Monday, December 20, 2010
Calendar updates
Things have certainly been busy in recent weeks with budget preparations and end of year wrap ups. I will be away for January so the blog is unlikely to be updated during this time.
Tune in again next year and I'll keep you posted on things such as the launch of the EMIS, training activities, relocation of the Group ECC, Ministry stuff and other interesting little tidbits.
In the meantime, remember that **it happens anytime, anywhere... be prepared for that. Keep some stuff in the car if your on holiday (nut bars and water), keep some cash handy for when the EFTPOS falls over and most of all, enjoy the summer!
Shane and the Emergency Management Team
Monday, October 18, 2010
Green RIG whereabouts
Many of you will know that the award winning Green RIG spends its time on the road educating our communities about environmental issues. In the recent theme change natural hazards have become more of a talking point. One wall of the Green RIG is dedicated to natural hazards.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Liquefaction... what does it mean for us?
Get Ready Week... underway already
OK, so we're a bit early... that's typical of us though!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Doing our bit to help
A few familiar faces from Palmerston North converged on the National Crisis Management Centre to assist in co-ordinating the response to the M7.1 earthquake in Canterbury. Braden Austin was called in to undertake the role of Lifeline Utility Coordinator, Jock Robinson in logistics support and me (Shane Bayley) in planning/intelligence support. I don't think Jock even knew I was taking his pic.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Working on the website
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Recovery Manager's Forum
Friday, August 13, 2010
Keeping an eye on river height alarms
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Second wave of H1N1
- getting vaccinated against seasonal influenza which includes protection against swine flu: there is still time but act quickly
- washing and drying hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes and staying at home if you are sick: a new media campaign has commenced
- phoning for medical advice early (GP or Healthline on 0800 611 116) for anyone with symptoms of influenza, to be assessed for antiviral medicine and other treatment, particularly if they have underlying health conditions. This is also important for pregnant women, who appear to be at particular risk of more severe illness.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
CDEM Resilience Fund on the way
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ministry publishes tsunami videos
On 29 September 2009 a deadly tsunami hit the South Pacific, claiming over 180 lives in Samoa, Tonga and American Samoa. The tsunami was triggered by an 8.3 magnitude earthquake at 06:48, just south of Samoa, and arrived within minutes. There was no time for an official warning. Many lives were saved because people recognised the natural warning signs of a tsunami and were able to get away quickly to a safe area.
In these video clips, New Zealanders who survived the tsunami share their experiences in the hope that it will help others have a better understanding of what happens during a tsunami, and how acting quickly can save lives.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Wellington Earthquake Initial Response Plan
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management has just released the Response Plan.
The plan provided in this document has been created to show the concept of operations for the response to a major Wellington earthquake. It shows agreed roles and responsibilities for agencies participating in the response. The plan ensures that the national level response is co-ordinated, can be activated immediately and automatically, and is as effective and as efficient as possible within the constraints of this event.
Ministry praises region’s emergency response planning
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
globe Magazine
GNS Science have just released issue no. 1 of globe Magazine. A very cool looking publication available online and in pdf (in case your internet connection isn't too whizzy).
- Drilling deep: Canterbury Basin drill cores hold climate clues
- Ancient discovery: Dinosaur footprints found in Nelson
- Seismic software: The next generation tunes into our software
- Unique accelerator: New accelerator a vital asset for NZ science
- Vanuatu volcano: Expert advice on Vanuatu volcano
- Northland bounty: Positive signs for Reinga Basin
- Inside knowledge: Geo-forensics - detecting environmental fraud
- Tsunami watch: Ground truthing the tsunami models
- Discover ancient worlds: Geology summer school rates highly with kids and parents
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Declaration forms to change
This from the Director of Civil Defence...
In January 2010, the Department of Internal Affairs completed a review of declarations of a state of emergency, and identified the need for a number of technical changes to the forms for declaring, extending, or terminating a state of emergency, as prescribed in the CDEM Regulations.
The amendments ensure that the prescribed forms are as “ready-to-use” as possible during a civil defence emergency, and help reduce the likelihood of errors and the risk of liability issues arising from the declaration process. In addition to providing separate forms for declaring a state of national and local emergency, the new forms:
· require a description of the emergency for which the declaration is being made;
· make clearer provision to state the time and date on which a declaration comes into force, is extended, or is terminated;
· provide an easy method for the person making the declaration to indicate that he or she is authorised to declare under the CDEM Act 2002; and
· include notes that explain how to calculate correctly the maximum duration of a state of emergency, and draw attention to certain requirements such as the need for a declaration to be publicly notified and published in the Gazette as soon as practicable.
An electronic copy of the new forms will be forwarded to your Group Emergency Management Officer. Please ensure that all of the existing forms within your Group and the local authority members are replaced with the new forms by 31 July 2010. I suggest you also check and replace the old forms that may be in the CDEM Group Plan or any individual territorial authority member’s civil defence plans, and held by CDEM officials and those authorised to declare. You might find it valuable to ensure that controllers and those authorised to declare are made aware of the changes in the form.
Section 73(2) of the CDEM Act provides that the validity of a declaration is not affected by the inclusion of any additional information not specified in the appropriate form prescribed in the regulations. Therefore the CDEM Group or the territorial authority members can include their logos or other relevant information in the new forms they use.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Regional Disaster Prevention Exchange
This from Voxy...
Nichola Costley, an Emergency Management Officer from Greymouth, is heading to Japan this month to represent New Zealand at a regional disaster prevention exchange.
Nichola was selected as one of twenty disaster prevention professionals from East-Asia, Australia and New Zealand to spend two weeks discussing best practices from around the region.
Nichola works for the West Coast Civil Defence Emergency Group and hopes to utilize knowledge gained in Japan upon her return.
"New Zealand is faced with similar hazards to Japan - earthquakes, tsunami, flooding - and experiencing the prevention methods utilized in a much better resourced country will be an excellent opportunity to identify possible options for our own future resilience work."
Nichola arrives in Tokyo on 21 June and begins by presenting New Zealand's country report to the other participants. While in the capital, she will take a field trip to learn firsthand about the city's flood control measures.
Participants will then travel to Kobe where they will discuss pioneering disaster prevention techniques developed after the city's 1995 earthquake which measured 7.2 on the Richter scale.
During the final leg of the programme, Nichola will visit Niigata Prefecture where she will learn about responses to the earthquake and floods that have hit the region in recent years.
The all-expenses-paid "Disaster Prevention and People" exchange is funded by the Japanese Government and is part of the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange of Students and Youth (JENESYS) Programme. JENESYS has a budget of NZ$315 million and will invite approximately 6,000 youths to Japan over a five year period. Information about future programmes is available from the Embassy of Japan in Wellington.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spill tracker developed
During a recent marine oil spill exercise at Akitio, the complexities of local currents became a small challenge for the team. Over a 'lemonade' that night, we got talking about the possibility of tracking the spill. We had most of what was needed, it was just a matter of putting the bits and pieces together.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Awesome new Foxton Beach webcam
The Manawatu Marine Boating Club has installed a new webcam on the boat club at Foxton Beach. Overlooking the boat ramp and carpark, this is an excellent quality camera that updates every 10 seconds... incredible!! Pity the weather wasn't so flash today when I grabbed the latest image. If you want to check out the Club's site... go here.
EMIS roll-out delayed until October
From the EMIS website this afternoon...
Following the very successful configuration workshops held in March, many weeks of work have been done to further elaborate the agreed requirements to ensure they meet the needs of MCDEM, CDEM Groups and TA's. During this elaboration, it was clear that some additional information was required to be incorporated into the EMIS portals and user feedback has confirmed this.
In addition, Microsoft has just released SharePoint 2010 as an upgrade of SharePoint 2007 and MCDEM has decided to use SharePoint 2010 as the foundation of EMIS, instead of SharePoint 2007. SharePoint 2010 is better equiped to provide the functionaility the configuration team agreed during the configuration workshops, in particular around resource and task management where significantly better outcomes can be achieved on SharePoint 2010. It also means that we avoid rolling out EMIS based on SharePoint 2007 now, only to have to repeat the process soon after to upgrade to SharePoint 2010. Utilising SharePoint 2010 provides a more future focused approach and no system outages or re-training would be needed to migrate to SharePoint 2010 .
In order to allow the required time to complete configuration and development for the initial EMIS build on SharePoint 2010, then to fully test the solution and offer system training to trainers and administrators, a decision has been made to extend the EMIS go live date. It was felt the benefits we gain far outweigh the delay, and it provides a more future focussed platform to allow any future EMIS releases to be more easily integrated. We are in the final stage of re-planning the timeframes with our key suppliers, but it is envisaged the go live date will now be early October 2010.
We are aware of the potential impact on the use of the EMIS in the planned national CDEM exercise scheduled for 20 October and will make every attempt to deliver an EMIS well before this time. However, it may eventuate that insufficient time is afforded agencies to gain a suitable level of confidence with the EMIS before the exercise. If this is the case, we would not expect users to use the EMIS during the exercise, that could be optional.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tsunami Strategy and Action Plans
A small team of Emergency Managers from within the Manawatu-Wanganui CDEM Group are beavering away on the first draft of our Group's Tsunami Strategy and Action Plans. This will document a consistent approach to tsunami response for the Group and will form the basis for consultation with communities that are potentially affected by tsunami run-up.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
New Director's Guide - Welfare in an emergency
Welfare in an emergency - Director's Guideline for CDEM Groups was published in PDF format on the MCDEM website this morning. Available here.
Welfare in an emergency - Director's Guideline for CDEM Groups provides practical information for organisations with Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) responsibilities in the area of welfare provision. The guideline contains conceptual and functional arrangements to support delivery of welfare in New Zealand. The guideline has been written to be read alongside the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan and the Guide to the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan, where the strategic responsibilities, nationally and operationally, regarding welfare in an emergency are formally outlined.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Group Plan tweak
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The April e-bulletin is now available
The April issue of e-bulletin is now online. Here's the link:
In this issue…
Exercise Tangaroa agency participation
Regional tsunami seminars reminder
Website established for EMIS project
CDEM Gold and Silver Awards - call for nominations
Maule Chile earthquake mission
Melbourne hail storm early warning report
Christchurch City CDEM trial new community engagement tools
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New EMIS project website
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
All quiet on the western front...
Friday, March 5, 2010
GNS Science tsunami survey
GNS Science are seeking feedback on the Chilean tsunami impacts on New Zealand:
Our tsunami survey
We'd like to hear about your experiences, as well as see any of your tsunami photos and video.
We have set up an online questionnaire that we'd really like you to fill out for us. It will only take about two minutes of your time:
We've also set up a GeoNet Facebook page for you to share your thoughts, photos and video. In your web browser, please go to, login and search for 'geonet'or just follow this link:
If you have any tsunami-related videos or photos already posted to places like YouTube and Flickr, it would be very useful if you could "tag" them with the word 'geonet' so we can locate them easily.
Why are we doing it?
The last time that New Zealand was affected by a South American tsunami was in 1960, so these are uncommon events. This makes it a valuable opportunity to compile data, observations, photos and videos to better understand the effects across the nation. The knowledge of what tsunami have done to New Zealand in the past helps to verify the computer simulations we are now able to perform. This Chilean tsunami is another opportunity for us to add to that long-term knowledge.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Not ready to get thru
The Minister has issued a media release today...
Despite the death and destruction caused by the massive earthquakes in Haiti and Chile this year, most New Zealanders are still complacent about preparing for such an event here, Minister of Civil Defence John Carter said today.
“New Zealand is vulnerable to unpredictable natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunami, as well as weather related emergencies. People need to know what this means and that they won’t always get a warning.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Controller's Forum
Group ECC activation
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Emergency and armed services open day
On Saturday the 20th, the combined emergency and armed services open day was held at Manfield in Feilding. This was an excellent opportunity for the services to demonstrate their capability to the public for free.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
There's a lot going on...
- Tararua A&P Show was a couple of weekends ago. Good crowds on the Saturday despite the very hot weather. Some of the team cooked in the AirShelter - so much so we went and hired an aircon unit.
- Ruapehu A&P Show last weekend. We took the display up to Taumarunui and set it up for Annie and her team to staff on the Saturday.
- This weekend we have the Emergency and Armed Services Open Day in Feilding - a different display for this one, focus on the Reid Line spillway. This is a local flood protection structure.
- We've got all of our ducks in a row for Central Districts Field Days in March so its just a matter of showing up for the event.
- AEGIS Map is now open to a select few for testing and proof of concept. We're keeping a close eye on E-sponder and the EMIS project too.
- Navigation safety risk assessments for the Whanganui River are underway along with a review of the bylaws on the Manawatu River
- The EOC in Marton has been gutted for library renovations and a temporary facility has been established in the rural fire depot.
- Welfare Centre kits have been assembled and are being delivered in the next week or two to our Centres.
- The Triennial Business Plan is being worked on.
- Preparations are underway for the Controller's Forum on 1 March and the Conferenz conference next week.
- Neighbourhood Support meetings are happening across Manawatu in conjunction with other services.
- Monitoring and evaluation interviews with MCDEM staff are happening next week too.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
IT system aids better emergency management
The following is the Minister's media statement released this morning (here is a link to a video of the entry level E-Sponder Express product, MCDEM have gone for an enhanced version of this that still retains the simplicity of Express)...
Minister of Civil Defence John Carter today announced that E-Sponder will supply an electronic emergency management information system (EMIS) for use in the National Crisis Management Centre (NCMC) and by civil defence authorities.
Timeline and system attributes
The EMIS contract is being negotiated and will be signed shortly.
· managing all data received through various channels, including voice, fax and e-mail
· all users being able to share and integrate data
· the ability to add new users and assign them appropriate user rights during an emergency
· disseminating information through various channels, including voice, SMS and e-mail
· workflow management
· creating reports and plans
· resource management
· integrated mapping
· creation of status boards
· ease of use.
E-Sponder LLC is a
· E-Sponder corporate profile
· Intergen website
Manawatu-Wanganui Controller's Forum
- The new CDEM Group Plan - what's new, what's different?
- Triennial Business Plan - what are we going to do for the next three years?
- Public Education and Information Strategy and survey results
- AEGIS Map project (a joint project with Hawkes Bay)
- National Emergency Management Information System (to be rolled out this year)
- National Exercise Tangaroa (coming up later this year)
- Monitoring and Evaluation audit of the Group by MCDEM
- Administrative arrangements for welfare support during pandemic influenza (a new guide)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Update on activities
- Te Arohanui Cook, Central Hawkes Bay District Council
- Jessica Hare, Wellington Regional Council
- Dan Neeley, Wellington City Council
- Clinton Naude, Environment Bay of Plenty.