Wednesday, December 23, 2009

EMIS implementation phase

The Ministry have yet to announce the successful provider for the national Emergency Management Information System but are forging ahead with planning the next phase of the project. This week nominations have been sought from the CDEM sector for two Group level and two territorial authority level representatives to be on the EMIS configuration team.

David Coetzee is suggesting that the first roll-out of the EMIS will be in the middle of next year (which fits well with my earlier predictions). The Config Team will be looking at the basic structure of the EMIS and setting up work flows and processes, as well as some templates as part of the core package. A 'straw-man' will be developed by MCDEM staff for presentation to CDEM Groups as a teaser and to solicit feedback on ideas and preferences of the Groups. Once this presentation has been completed and Groups had an opportunity for input, the Config Team will set about producing the core EMIS.

The time commitment of the Config Team is not insignificant and could be 3+ weeks. It is important however that we get it right as the future of CDEM will be significantly influenced by the EMIS. If you are interested in being nominated for a role in the Config Team, contact your CDEM Group's Manager for the terms of reference and nomination process.


Anonymous said...

I am a PhD student in Massey University Albany. I am modeling the decision process of EOC and GEOC in Auckland Volcanic eruption scenario. I am planning to start interviews from Jan 2010 to model the information flow and processes. I think you are doing the same kind of stuff. I have a couple of questions:
1. For What kind of emergencies this system will provide warnings?
2. How can I be part of this process as a student or researcher as I have worked on a method to gather this kind of information from emergency managers?


Yasir (

Shane Bayley said...

Reply posted by email. Thanks for your interest.

Roger said...

Hi Shane and happy new year to you!

Thanks for the update on EMIS - we in the Nelson Tasman CDEM Group are following this closely as it will impact the roll out of our own EMIS for our Group EOC here.

And, while I'm typing, just a random question for you - will you be putting a 'h' in your Group's title? ;)

best regards
