Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GIS web portal developments

In recent days, we've set up a website for collaboration on the development of the EMNet GIS web portal. Unfortunately this is not a pubically available site at this time and is really intended for participants to work openly together in developing our individual requirements and considering how the portal might work.

This Friday, we have a meeting of the Lifelines Advisory Group to work through some of the fundamental issues. So far we've worked on the business rules that run behind the scenes as well as expectations. Last week however we had a rather sudden development with the interface and the ESRI interface is looking pretty promising.

Here is a link to a demo site for New Zealand. Although there are only a few layers of information available, this certainly proves the basics of GeoRSS feeds from existing data sources - the earthquake info comes from GeoNet and state highways from NZTA real-time data. We've asked Eagle to include some regional level data from Horizons to make it locally interesting as we develop our requirements.

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