Friday, January 23, 2009

On-line course

As part of the move to Microsoft Groove, I want to introduce staff to Groove and its capabilities in the simplest way possible. I've recently trialled the free on-line course linked below. I found this to be a useful programme and have asked some of the team for feedback before requesting that EOC and other staff work through the programme.

The pre-requisite is that you have a Microsoft Passport or Windows Live ID. The first hyperlink takes you to the sign-up page if you don't already have one of these. You will only need your e-mail address to sign up. Use your real name as this will print on the certificate at the end of the course.

Windows Live ID sign up.

Getting started with MSOffice Groove 2007.

I recommend that you have access to Groove so that you can do the 'labs' during the course.

I'd be interested in any comments you might like to add.

1 comment:

Shane Bayley said...

Bit of feedback from the team... unless you're into on-line training this might be too much. You can skip through it though and do the bits that interest you.