How did that happen?? The team were leaving the office and said see you in the New Year! It certainly has been a busy year and the Emergency Management Team in the Group has been pretty busy. Our main benchmark for the year was the approval of our CDEM Group Plan (which you can download from here).
We got off pretty lightly this year, with no significant emergencies - just your usual snow storms, wind storms, heavy rainfall, storm surges, earthquakes and flooding. We also activated and evacuated for a potential tsunami which was a little out of the ordinary I must admit. All in all, I think the team is pretty well set up and working together. The level of co-operation across the Group's membership is excellent and if we need to circle the wagons for an event I have confidence in our ability to work together.
Next year will have a few interesting activities and I've been working on my work programme for the first 6 months to try and squeeze it all in. I'll post more on that in the New Year.
On that note, I'll sign off for the year and wish everyone a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.